About the Along the 23 Project

Bringing Art, Dance and Music to the community Along the 23 bus route.

The Historic Septa 23 transit route.

The project consists of 16 original works of art: eight original visual artworks and eight two to four

minute dance videos. The eight artworks will be reproduced for public display on

bus shelters along the route of SEPTA bus 23, each on a different shelter. A QR code on every

display will access all eight dance videos. The QR codes, which are accessible to the

blind/visually impaired through navigation apps, will also include access to a project map and

link to the project website.

Six of the eight artworks will be commissioned from established and

emerging Philadelphia artists and two will be created through “art jams” for community

members. Three of the eight dance videos will be created via community “dance jams.” We will

shoot all of the dance videos outdoors along the bus route. The project website and social

media campaign will invite people to create and share their own art and dance along the 23.

Project Director

Christina Castro-Tauser

Christina Castro-Tauser earned her MFA at Temple University, and is an Adjunct Instructor at Temple, Boyer college of music and Dance. She has choreographed “Que Pasa Ahora?” an evening-length work reflecting on the changing dynamics of the modern family Highlights of,” Que Pasa Ahora? Were presented at the Barnes foundation Free Peco family fun Sunday, the Barnes foundation Artist Bash and represented Temple University at the Mid-Atlantic North, American College Dance Association conference in 2018 . Her works “Displaced and Disconnected,” “Peace by the water” and “Among Us” are site-specific works presented in Philadelphia. Christina is published in issue 4 and issue 6 of the Dancer - Citizen online Journal. She is the Artistic Director of Expansions Contemporary Dance Ensemble and has produced several evening-length shows including Momentum 2014, A Dance Macabre 2014, Ripple Effect 2015. Most recently Christina presented Expansions Presents: Connecting the Distance for the 2020 Fringe festival, a walking tour with 11 sites in Mt Airy, Fairhill and Norris Square Neighborhood featuring a virtual/live experience. She has taught classes at Brenau University, Temple University, Atlanta Festival Ballet, Gainesville Ballet, Wissahickon Dance Academy, American College Dance Festival and 6 years with Taller Puertorriqueno. She was Aroha Philanthropies spotlight teaching artist in November 2019. She is a Teaching Artist for Taller Puertorriqueno’s “Visítenos” . Christina was the Project Director for “Moving Stories' ' sponsored by a Pennsylvania Humanities Art Grant, a community art project online for older adults to create, share and connect during COVID 2019. Christina is the Executive Director of International Ballet Exchange and a teaching artist for IBE’s Program at Kensington CAPA and Mifflin School. Prior to her years in Philadelphia she was the Director of the Gainesville Ballet Junior Company and an Instructor for the Gainesville School of Ballet for eight years at Brenau University in Gainesville, Georgia where she choreographed “Into Grimms Wood” a full-length ballet. Along with several ballets for the company including: That Which Connects Us, Ray of Light, Grand Tarantella and The Merry Go Round of life among others. Her choreography “Not it” represented Brenau University at the Southern Region American College Dance festival. Christina received her BA in Dance from Point Park University. She was an apprentice at the Colorado Ballet where she choreographed Cafe con Leche for the Colorado ballet studio Company. She has trained at Centro Pro Danza Cuba , Milwaukee Ballet, Zenon Dance School, Miami Ballet and Minnesota Dance Theater.